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About Us

Initially founded in Great Britain in 2006, such an organisation came about due to the rising tide of apostasy sweeping the church.  Many leaders found themselves at odds with the direction of their denominational churches and organisations and were consequently rejected and isolated.


It was evident that there was a need for a ministerial organisation that would be a point of contact, and would provide essential spiritual support, encouragement and credentials for Biblically-sound ministers. CMF Ireland is part of Christian Ministerial Fellowship International.

What we believe

  • The Bible, consisting of the books of the Old and New Testaments but excluding the apocrypha, is the inspired Word of God and is the infallible, all sufficient authority for faith and practice.


  • There is one True and Living God who is the eternally self existent “I AM” and who has also revealed Himself to be One being in Three Persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


  • In the perfect deity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth and bodily resurrection.


  • The Biblical account of creation.


  • Man, who was created in God’s image without sin and given dominion over creation, fell by voluntary transgression as a result of which all men are born with a sinful nature.


  • Salvation is through faith alone in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was born sinless of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was shown approved of God by His miraculous ministry, died once for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, raised from the dead in bodily form on the third day and triumphantly ascended to heaven.  Through His blood we have redemption.


  • The New Birth is an instantaneous operation of the Holy Spirit upon repentance toward God and the exercise of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Baptism by immersion in water is enjoined upon all who have repented, believed with all their hearts and confessed that Jesus Christ is Saviour and Lord.


  • In the person of the Holy Spirit, His work of regeneration, baptism following the new birth, empowering, indwelling, and sanctification of the believer.


  • In The Holy Spirit’s enabling gifts (with fruit confirming) to the members of the Church individually as He chooses.


  • In the true Christian Church, which is comprised exclusively of all who by virtue of repentance from sin and faith in Christ are born again of God’s Holy Spirit and have become part of Christ’s body.  The identity of the Body of Christ on earth is primarily perceived through the local church. We strongly confess the local church to be sovereign and autonomous.  At the same time we reject sectarianism and divisiveness as great evils.


  • In the spiritual unity of all who are born of God as opposed to unbiblical “so called” interfaith/ecumenical unity.


  • In the pre-millennial personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prophetic purposes of God for Israel and the Jews.


  • That the Breaking of Bread is enjoined on all believers until the Lord comes and is a representation only of his atoning body and blood.


  • In the final judgement of the living and the dead by Christ.


  • In the everlasting conscious punishment of the wicked and unrepentant.


  • In the everlasting conscious bliss of the redeemed.


  • CMFI rejects as false teaching any assertion that Torah observance or pursuance is compulsory for either salvation or sanctification although Jewish believers may see it as an expression of devotion within their cultural identity. (Supporting document available on request).

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