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Providing Fellowship & Spiritual Support for Christian Leaders in Ireland.


Christian Ministerial Fellowship Ireland (CMFI) exists to bring together Christian Ministers called to serve on the island of Ireland. We recognise there are two nations that share this island, however, the true church is not divided, but one in Christ.


We seek to come together for fellowship, encouragement, prayer and to strengthen each other in the most holy faith. 


Whilst not a denomination, CMFI seeks to establish a fellowship of like-minded Christian leaders who have a passion for Jesus and a desire to see this island impacted through the local assemblies God has called us to serve in.

What we do


Establish a fellowship of Christian leaders across the island of Ireland from biblically-based churches and ministries. 


Ordain Christian ministers, and furnish ministerial credentials.


Offer support to members in their pastoral/leadership roles by arranging fellowship days locally, and on an all-island basis. 


Hold yearly retreats for ministers and their wives for spiritual encouragement and prayer.


Provide accountability of the members.


Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
Psalm 133:1

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